
Creating Pathways

During term 4, 2018 Creating Capable Communities (CCC) Hastings delivered their first Creating Capable Leaders (CCL) program with women from Wallaroo Community Estate in Hastings. Some families living within the…

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NAIDOC Week 2019

NAIDOC Week celebrations were held across Australia in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This event is celebrated not only in…

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A Big Thanks to QV

Australian made and owned, QV Skincare, has generously donated 180 units of QV Baby Bath Oil and QV Baby Gentle Wash to Family Life, for use by the Infant and…

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SHINE at Doveton College

The SHINE program at Doveton College has helped strengthen the community by providing connecting services and running programs within the campus.

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From Client to Advocate

Emma’s story is one of unrelenting strength and resilience. Together with the support of Family Life, Emma is continuing to advocate for the survivors of domestic violence

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Ezana’s Volunteer Journey

Ezana has had a long relationship with Family Life – first as a child, then as a volunteer, now as an employee. Find out more about his journey and how volunteering is as important to volunteers as it is to causes.

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